Agora vai...

sexta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2014

Eu já comecei e descontinuei vários blogs durante os últimos anos. Pensei em tantas temáticas, tantas coisas que gosto de fazer, que acabei sendo sugada pelas obrigações do cotidiano e não dando prosseguimento aos dez domínios que criei.
Mas agora, penso como seria realmente interessante compartilhar, ou quem sabe apenas registrara, para deleite próprio no futuro, um blog sobre minhas experiências, minhas viagens.
And I was thinking, why not writing this blog in English. I know that a lot of friends are not able to read it, but it's a way that I've found of practising my writing and improve my English while I tell my stories. And I have to confess: I've got loads and loads of them.
So, what I've decided is: I'm going to divide this blog into places I've visited and them I'm gonna to tell you as much as I can about my trip to that place and my memories. Aldo, I'm gonna to share photos and, sometimes, videos.
Doing this, I hope I'll can allow you to know the best way to travel cheaply and funnily. Yes, we can travel with a little amount of money and as a plus have a lot of fun!!! And you you have in the end amazing memories to keep forever in both, your mind and heart and also some good new friends.
I'll be back here soon to share my first international trio which was to Argentina, back in 2004...since them, I can count 22 countries visited....
So, I can't wait to share all of those moments here....
See you...